“He was constantly seeking answers, to seemingly constant questions. “The way his mind worked was a constant joy,” Harrow said. He met Harrow, his widow, in 1991 at a rally for whale protection at Trafalgar Square in London. Early in his career as a biologist, he studied bats and birds. Payne was born in New York City and educated at Harvard University and Cornell University, where he received his doctorate. “He had a presence and a way of connecting to people that led them to dedicating their lives to protecting whales and our planet Earth,” Kerr said. The world has lost a giant of environmental conservation with Payne’s death, said Iain Kerr, the chief executive officer of Ocean Alliance and a longtime collaborator with Payne. Much loved husband of Padmani and brother of Sita Pieris and Deepthi Attygalle passed away on 24th. Former Commissioner - General, Inland Revenue. While these notices are informative, obituaries often don’t do justice to the life story of a loved one. T & C Sports Obituaries More Home obituaries obituaries Obituaries MENDIS - NALIN LAKSHMAN - Safe in the Arms of Jesus. Congress and the 1982 commercial whaling moratorium passed by the International Whaling Commission. Tahlequah Daily Press - a place for remembering loved ones a space for sharing memories, life stories. It has played a role in watershed moments in the history of whale protection, such as the 1972 passage of the Marine Mammal Protection Act by the U.S. The organization operates to this day in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Payne founded Ocean Alliance in 1971 to advocate for the protection of whales and dolphins. Whale songs would enter the popular imagination via everything from a 1971 episode of “The Partridge Family” to a 1979 issue of National Geographic that included a flexi disc with excerpts from “Songs of the Humpback Whale.” It remains the best-selling environmental album in history. He told Nautilus Quarterly in a 2021 interview that he first heard the recording in the loud engine room of a research vessel and knew almost instantly that the sounds were indeed whales. Payne was cognizant from the start that whale song represented a chance to get the public interested in protecting an animal previously considered little more than a resource, curiosity or nuisance. She was an avid reader of the daily newspaper, magazine articles on plants and birds. A surprise hit, the record galvanized a global movement to end the practice of commercial whale hunting and save the whales from extinction. Todays obituaries and death notices from Superior, Wisconsin. Payne would produce the album “Songs of the Humpback Whale” in 1970. He saw the discovery of whale song as a chance to spur interest in saving the giant animals, who were disappearing from the planet. Payne identified the haunting tones as songs whales sing to one another. Payne made the discovery in 1967 during a research trip to Bermuda in which a Navy engineer provided him with a recording of curious underwater sounds documented while listening for Russian submarines. Roger Payne, the scientist who spurred a worldwide environmental conservation movement with his discovery that whales could sing, has died.